Wednesday, July 20, 2011


BEFORE, my notion of Kerygma is about reading and memorizing the Bible, academic research and other "intellectual gymnastics." In  other words, Kerygma is about intellectual competence and skills in public speaking.
AFTER we discussed in our class (Missionary Spirituality) about Kerygma, I realized that one's personal experience of God is highly required in the oral proclamation. I learned that reflecting upon the Word of God, analysis, research and other mental exercises are just part and parcel of the preaching proper - the Kerygma.

Kerygma is not just about teaching. It is about witnessing. It is witnessing because an individual is aware of different lessons he/ she got from his/ her personal experience. In witnessing, there is the "enfleshment" of the Word in one's personal life. In witnessing, the proclamation becomes REAL, and not just ideal.

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